February 4, 2021

Dear Neighbor,

Hello. My name is Aron Keesecker and I am the plant manager here at Stafford Quarry. I’ve been with Vulcan for fifteen years and previously worked in product quality control and more recently was a safety and health representative for this area. I am writing to update you on our current and future operations, including rezoning and Conditional Use Permit applications that are pending before the County. We expect these applications will soon proceed to public hearing by the Planning Commission following public notice.

What do we do at Stafford Quarry?

As you may know, we have been operating at this location since 1978. We will continue to provide essential building materials for roads, homes, churches, medical facilities, local businesses and government projects in Stafford County well into the next century. Basically, if you drive, live, work or go to school in the area, chances are that you’re using or benefiting from our materials.

We make big rocks into small rocks. Our site consists of: two mining pits (West & East) where we extract granite rock; a processing plant where we size, wash and mix products to meet customer and VDOT specifications; and stockpile and shipping areas where we load customer trucks. We also directly supply Virginia Paving Company as an on-site customer that produces asphalt pavement.

As we mine at Stafford, we’re also creating a future public asset that will serve the people of Stafford County for generations to come. In partnership with the County, we are actively planning and developing our site to eventually transition to a drinking water reservoir and recreation area to serve the future needs of the community. This beneficial reuse of the land gives the County a cost-effective facility to continue to ensure a stable and reliable source of drinking water to meet the long-term needs of the area while providing additional public outdoor space for residents to enjoy.

How we do it

We follow detailed, engineered plans that account for geology, topography and operational considerations, including efficiency, equipment and safety to guide our operation and responsible use of the land. Of the entire 546-acre site, we are only actively mining on a small portion at any one time. Today, our mining is focused in the East Pit.

In addition to County rules and regulations, we maintain compliance with State and Federal permits and regulations that dictate specific operating conditions to safeguard our employees, neighbors, community and environment. These oversight bodies include: Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME), Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

We filed applications with the County to update operational plans

We plan in terms of decades and half centuries. So, from time to time, it’s necessary to update our approach. This helps us plan ongoing capital investments and operate as efficiently as possible, including maximal utilization of the natural resource we mine. It also affords the County an opportunity to help develop the most beneficial end use of the site for the County and review our measures to maintain a safe and environmentally responsible operation that respects our neighbors. 

With these goals in mind, our applications with the County:

  • Consolidate a patchwork of proffer statements (voluntary commitments made by Vulcan) and conditional use permits (which outline conditions for Vulcan’s use of the property) from the last 45 years into a single proffer statement and permit to make it easier for the County to regulate the site and for Vulcan to ensure compliance. 
  • Require Vulcan to convey the East Pit to the County by 2055.

On the East Side:

  • Increase our total acreage by about 7% or 40 acres to optimize the East Pit design and the surface area of the future water reservoir.
  • Add more than 1,700 linear feet of vegetated earthen berming and plantings for screening. 
  • Create more than 21 acres of buffer to screen the site. 
  • Preserve more than 3 acres as open space.

On the West Side:

  • Add more than 4,200 linear feet of vegetated earthen berming and plantings for screening. 
  • Relocate the existing Wyche Road Vulcan Ready Mix Facility to the quarry making it easier to supply the needed stone without hauling it from the quarry.
  • Relocating the Ready Mix site assists in the continued redevelopment of the Courthouse Road Area and building the new park and ride lots.

All of the existing safety and environmental regulatory requirements will be maintained. The operation of the entire site will be regulated by the County under a unified proffer statement and conditional use permit. 

What’s Next?

Once County staff completes their review of our applications, a Planning Commission hearing will be scheduled and public notice of the meeting issued. At this point, we anticipate a public hearing will take place within the next few weeks. 

Where can you learn more and submit feedback?

We have established www.VulcanStaffordQuarry.com and a new Community Line to give you more convenient ways to reach us and get updates about our operation and this proposal. We welcome any questions, comments or suggestions you may have. You can email us at VulcanStaffordQuarryCommunity@vmcmail.com or call us at (540) 466-1558.

In closing, I want to reiterate that our entire team is committed to growing our investment in Stafford County and operating in a safe, socially and environmentally responsible manner.

Thank you for your time.


Aron Keesecker
Plant Manager
Vulcan Materials Company ‐ Stafford Quarry